Monday, July 02, 2007

Jesus Christ + Groucho Marx = Godspell ??!!

"Count Godspell as one of God's good gifts "

Adapted from Today's Catholic, June 22, 2007.

By Patsy Pelton.

SAN ANTONIO . "From the song, All Good Gifts, in the musical Godspell, the lyrics speak to the audience to see that all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above ... then thank the Lord.

Throughout the four performances of Godspell, held June 7 - 10 at St. Pius X Church, the audience did just that -- thank the Lord for the gifts and talents of the young people of the cast, technical crew, directors and supporting adult members.

"One major hurdle happened three days before the first performance when the actor portraying Jesus had to step down.

"[UTSA student Josh] Hernandez, as music director, had been at every rehearsal.

"He said yes to the need to be Jesus."

As the actor tells us:

"I prayed to get it all together in time for the first show.

"Hernandez played the part flawlessly, down to the Groucho Marx parody and vaudeville - style aside comments throughout the production..."

Pick up this current issue at any San Antonio Diocesan Church to read more !!


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