Friday, August 31, 2007

Less than 2 weeks to sixth anniversary of 9/11 ...

"The Mitzvah to Remember (09/05/2002)"

Gary Rosenblatt -- Editor and Publisher

THE JEWISH WEEK Serving the Jewish Community of Greater New York.

"The attacks a year ago on the World Trade Center and Pentagon were not a Jewish tragedy per se but an American one, a human one -- with Jewish victims, mourners, heroes and chroniclers.

"Staff writer Adam Dickter profiles the lives of eight of the victims.

"(While no one knows for certain how many Jews were killed on Sept. 11, the most reliable estimates put the number at about 400.

"This despite the blasphemy spread in the Arab world that no Jews perished, having been warned by the Mossad [Here, he means Israelie Intelligence] agents who supposedly carried out the attacks.)"

A good and poignant read!!


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