Monday, August 20, 2007

"There are good people everywhere..."

Source: Book review. Fritz Lanham, the Houston Chronicle. Luttrell, Marcus and Robinson, Patrick. Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2007. (??!!) Sunday, August 19, 2007, S.A. Express - News Books section.

"Former Navy SEAL details battle with the Taliban that resulted in the deaths of his comrades"

One of the lessons I learned was that there are good people everywhere.

That [Afghan] village, Sabray, saved my life.

Me, I've just got to order this one on interlibrary loan.


'Cause I've just got to learn why those guys -- knowing their harbor site had been compromised -- apparently didn't move after being discovered by several goat herders plus "about 100 goats," and then the SEALs voting to let them both (goats and herders) live and wander off again!.

As the reviewer tells it:

"Within hours, more than 100 Taliban fighters descended on the SEAL Team..."

Well .. o.k. .. but! "Duh !!" Why .....????!!! Were the SEALS still there ? (At least or so it seems!)

Yep! Just got to get that book on Kinney County Library Loan, right here and now this very afternoon!

Because once those 100 Taliban showed up, "the rest was history," as they say....


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