Friday, August 24, 2007

"You need to know about the Jewish family in which I was raised..."

Rick Conason's "Oy!"

Source: Madrid, Patrick. Editor. Surprised by Truth. San Diego, California: Basilica Press, 1994. Conason, Rick. "Oy!"

"Before you can understand why I became a Catholic you need to know something about the kind of Jewish family in which I was raised.

"And before you can understand the kind of Jewish family in which I was raised you need to know something about my grandparents, Emil and Cel.

"They were both born to Jewish parents shortly after the turn of the century -- Emil in Poland, Cel in America.

"She was the eldest daughter of the only Jewish family in Iowa (or so I was told).

"Emil's parents emigrated to the U.S. when he ws about two years old, and they settled in Trenton, New Jersey.

"When Emil was twenty years old he made his way to New York City in search of the political and social stimulation to be had there.

"New York in the Roaring Twenties was then, as it is now, a magnet for all stripes of liberalism, everything from avant - garde artists and poets, to left - wing intellectuals, political radicals, and atheists.

"Emil and Cel were quite at home in the political and social chaos that seethed around them."


"Both were close to notable figures of that era, such as Henry Miller (the author of such ocntroversial works as Tropic of Capricorn and Tropic of Cancer), with whom they lived for some time.

"Emil joined the the Communist Party, but left shortly thereafter, disillusoned because it had gotten too Stalinist for his taste.

"One by - product of his short - lived days as a Communist was the validation of his atheism.

"Emil always regarded himself as a Jew, but he did ot believe in God.

"Cel likewise, was strongly Jewish in a cultural sense, she too, was a devout atheist."


"[My grandparents] brothers and sisters, my great - uncles and aunts, also moved to New York for life, happiness and the pursuit of liberalism.

"It was in this hot house of liberalism that my father was raised, inheriting the ideologies of his parents.

"he met my mom, they married, and began phase three of Conason Family Liberalism.

"In the fullness of time I was born, and I grew up in Brooklyn..."

A good spiritual, rock 'em sock ' em read !!

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