Friday, October 05, 2007

il Cardinale Italiano sta molto, molto male !!*

"A pontifical conciliar embarassment"

Adapted from the above named article, by George Weigel, Today's Catholic, August 31, 2007.

"June brought us Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road, an effusion from the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples.

"Why on earth is the Vatican concocting such stuff?

"At a Roman press conference, a reporter noted the Fifth Commandment -- Cars shall not be for you an expression of power and dominatin and an occasion of sin, and asked when a car became an occasion of sin.

"Cardinal Renato Martino replied, when a car is used as a place for sin.

"[He] may or may not have been referring to certain scenes in American Graffiti, George Lucas's classic tribute to the drive - in."

* por lo menos dentro su propia cabeza de calabazota Italiana...


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