Monday, December 31, 2007

"Brackett High's Jerry DeHoyos, Jr., Rings Church Bells!!"

"Yesterday, December 30, 2007, Mr. Jerry DeHoyos succesfully passed his basic training as an auxiliary bell ringer at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas.

"His proud parents, Jerry and Janie, plus big brother and little sister got to hear him do it, too, for all they were inside at the time.

"As did the officiating Deacons present, the Rev. Mr. James Bader and the Rev. Dr. Joseph Goebel.

"Jerry gave his all in ringing the obligatory Thirty Double Clangs of exactly 60 individual pulls on the fraying rope, minutes before the start of the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Communion service

"He's now qualified to do it any time he's asked to, or otherwise so inclined."

Source: What's Happen'in Nowadays in 'Ole Brackettville, December 31, 2007 edition.


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