Monday, February 25, 2008

"Think the Archdiocese of San Antonio isn't constantly in big legal trouble?"

"Then dig this!!"

Adapted from Public Safety

"Quarreling turns violent"

"Web posted: 02/11/2008 12:31 AM CST"

By Brian Chasnoff / S.A. EXPRESS - NEWS

"A fugtive for more than three years, a 58 - year - old South side man shot a neighbor in the face as the victim's two children stood and watched, police and witnesses say.

"John Ward was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon."

After shooting his neighbor in the face, "Ward then walked back [to the] house he shares with his girlfriend and her mother."

"One neighbor described Ward as a kind, easygoing man who recently taught Catholic doctrine to kids at a nearby church."

Further the witness goes on to say, "He's very sweet. He always worked with the church."

Thus, good friends, "said the neighbor, who would only identify herself as Susie."

NOTE: The crime took place on the 3200 block of Merriweather. Locating a nearby Catholic church shouldn't be all that difficult.


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