Thursday, March 27, 2008

UTEP 's Library I.T. DIVA Look - Alike Ms. Emily Childs, Student Trainer !!

"Trainers are unsung heroes of UTEP"

Ola's loyal friend and UTEP Library IT co - worker likewise!!

¡Ora, UTEP!

¡Ora. MEChA!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Adapted from: Mr. Aaron Martinez, The UTEP Prospector, and UTEP Photographer, Mr. Mauricio Lara. March 20, 2008.

"From bumps and bruises to sprained ankles and broken bones, keeping the UTEP athletes in the game are the unsung heroes of the athletic department.

"With fewer than 25 athletic trainers, Ms. Dawn Hearn, head athletic trainer, and her staff are responsible for the treatment of more than 230 UTEP student athletes.

"Ms. Hearn has been in charge of the athletic trainers program at UTEP since 1995 and brings more than 25 years of experience to the department."

[No Ms. Lisa D. Campos, this lady, huh??!!]

"All Ms. Hearn asks of her staff and anyone interested in working as an athletic trainer at UTEP is determination, commitment and a lot of hard work."


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