Tuesday, April 29, 2008

CCP is bashed by UTEP Prospector's Ms. Alex Hinojosa!!

"Beijing Olympics a disaster?"

Adapted from her editorial with the above name, published April 24, 2008. Note: CCP = Chinese Communist Party...


"Religious freedom in Chna is not necessarily freedom, but tolerance for a set of chosen religions, such as Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Protestantism and Chinese Catholicism.

"Leaders of these religions are hand picked by the Chinese Communist Party.

"Beijing has announced that the CCP is the only authority to approve reincarnations and has declared itself the real Buddha for Tibetans, said Zhang Qingli, party secretary of the Tibetan Autonomous Region in a speech last year, according ot the Asia Times."

"As China has grown prosperous over the years, the CCP has looked to a new god, the god of wealth and money.

"These are ideas that Tibet has refused to acknowledge."

Yea, Alex!

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!


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