Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"Blogs free Cubans -- even if they're off limits"

Adapted from Andrea Rodriguez, Associated Press, picked up by the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Business Section, Sunday, May 4, 2008.

"Yoani Sanchez writes the GeneraciĆ³n Y blog and gets more than a million hits a month, mostly from abroad -- though she has begun to strike a chord in Cuba.

"On her site and others, anonymous Cubans offer stinging criticisms of their government.

"On a blog called Sin EVA- sion (Without Evasion), Eva Hernandez dared to mock Granma, the official Communist Party newspaper, for taking its name from the American yacht that brought Castro and his rebels back to Cuba from Mexico to launch their armed rebellion in 1956."

Then she tells us:

"Cuba is the only country in the world whose principal newspaper, the official organ of the Communist Party and the official voice of the government, has the ridiculous name granny."


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