"Worship had meant ... unfurling banners ..."
So says Paul Gray and Mary Ann Springel, in their joint first - hand testimony, 25 years after the fact, to one of the most famous occult happenings in the history of the so - called American Catholic Church: The Duquesne Weekend of 1967!!
Adapted from Patti Gallagher Mansfield's book, As By A New Pentecost, page 74:
"Within a short time, almost all of the students were in the chapel, kneeling, holding hands, and worshipping the Lord.
"Mary Ann returned.
"The others, like us, were not acustomed to kneeling long or praying simply.
"Worship had meant standing up, reading poetry, playing guitars, singing and unfurling banners...."
" ... banners and all that kind of stuff ..."
Adapted from Archbishop John Nienstedt's comments to reporter John Sondag, in For College - Age Youth, An Interview with Coadjutor Archbishop John Nienstadt.
"Spreading and defending the Faith Today."
The Catholic Servant, A Tool for Evangelization, Catechesis and Apologetics. Vol. XIV, NO. IV, April 2008.
"I started out with the Baltimore Catechism, with heavy emphasis on content.
"After Vatican Council II, the [pedagogical] convention went the other way, and we got into all kinds of experiential things: collages, banners, and all that kind of stuff.
"Now, hopefully, the pendulum is swinging back toward the middle.
"It never stops in the middle, unfortunately.
"It always has a certain dynamic that carries it beyond, but I'm hoping that we realize that it's [here he's referring to how and what we teach] content and experience [to help each and every one of us to become successful Catholic Christians]."
"It's not just enough to know about Jesus..."
"It' s not just enough to know about Jesus -- I have to experience Jesus.
"But if I experience Jesus and I don't undertand Him, then the experience is going to be fraught with all kinds of problems."
Witness the emotional Duquesne Weekend of 1967!!
"We need both [experience and understanding of Jesus].
"And so it seems to me that we need a new kind of apologetics in which we can help our young people, especially our college people, to be able to answer the questions that regularly come up about the Faith.
"[That way] .. they [can] feel confident [just as with St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group members here and now] that they can enter into [the dialogue].
"And then, of course, you know there's always the hard part of going back, and trying to restudy an issue [like Infant Baptism!] to the point where I do understand it so I can explain it to another person."
Good salient points, yes indeed.
Plus, maybe a subtle hint to all those still - out - of - control American Catholic Charismatic groups here in America, that we might better get ready for a nation - wide clamp down on the current crop of occult - related abuses, such abuses as we've witnessed first hand even here in good 'ole Brackettville, Texas, USA, Zip Code 78832....
My, oh my! :).
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