"Border baby achieved long list of family firsts"
"One was starting her own business, a leading web - based company"
Adapted from Ronda Templeton, San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS Bsiness & Real Estate Section, Friday, April 25, 2008.
"The self - described border baby -- her father is from Nuevo Laredo, and her mother hails from Laredo -- ticked off a litany of firsts:
"She was the first child on her father's side of the family to graduate from colege, the first female to cut her hair short, the first to enroll a child in day care, the first to launch a business, the first, even, to purchase a car that wasn't made in America.
"Janie Martinez Gonzalez is president and CEO of Web Head Group, one of South Texas' premier Internet technology companies, [and she] is a dedicated and unapologetic challenger of convention."
"Notable achievement: With her husband, Bill, got in on the ground floor of Web - based technology and built a thriving business with more than 1,000 clients and $1 million in annual billings."
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