Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Diverse leadership seen at ministry summit as key to future of healthy church"

Adapted from: Today's Catholic, issue of May 23, 2008. By Karen Osborne, Catholic News Service.

Basically the usual pretentious drivel, except for this, towards the end:

"The lack of racial diversity among summit participants was a major concern for many.

"With 91 percent of attendees identifyng as white or Caucasian, and 70 percent between the ages of 50 and 69, speakers wondered about the summit's ability to adequately speak for a the more diverse parts of the church, which has a growing Hispanic and intercutural population."

And then, one Greg Welch, described as "a youth miniter from Renew Internatinal," speaks up:

"Look around this room.

"We are very white, and very white - haired.

"Where are the Hispanics?

"Where are the young adults?"

Then our fearless author thoughtfully shoves the knife in with both her capable hands:

"Age diversity was also a concern, with only 2 percent of attendees younger than 30."


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