Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jim Blackburn: "Have you been saved?"

"This Rock," combined July / August issue.

Original question:

"How should a [non - American, but instead Jesus Christ - believing Roman] Catholic reply to the question, Have you been saved?

"This question is answered in our tract Assurance of Salvation?, which suggests the following reply:

"As the Bible says, I am already saved (Rom. 8:24, Eph. 2:5-8), but I'm also being saved (I Cor. 1:8, 2 Cor. 2:15, Phil. 2:12), and I have the hope that I will be saved (Rom. 5:9 - 10, 1 Cor. 3:12 - 15). Like the apostle Paul, I am working out my salvation in fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), with hopeful confidence in the promises of Christ (Rom. 5:2, 2 Tim. 2:11 - 13)."


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