"Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J.: A Life in Theology, the 39th McGinley Lecture"
Freely adapted, more or less, from this source: America magazine, April 21, 2008.
"I mentioned above that I speak as a theologian.
"By that term I mean that I draw conclusions from what I believe as a Catholic Christian."
What comes now: the opposite of American Catholicism!
"The church teaches, and I firmly believe, that the Son of God became man some 2,000 years ago, died to redeem us and rose for the sake of our salvation.
"Christ the Redeemer, who has given the fullness of revelation, has also made provision for the revelation to be kept alive in the church without corruption or dilution.
"These basic teachings of our faith, held in common by all believers, are presupposed by Catholic theology."
This is NOT what they "teach" at SMM's faith sharing!!
"The faith takes nothing away from what I can know by my native reasoning powers, but it adds a vast new light coming from on high.
"In my lectures, then, I have made continual use of Christian revelation as conveyed through holy Scripture and Catholic tradition.
"I am reluctant to say anything that runs against these sacred sources on the pretext that we have superior insight today.
"Respect for the deposit of faith should not be called conservatism in the pejorative sense but a simple loyalty to the word of God."
Contrary to our deacons: ".. or that capital punishment is sometimes warranted..."
"When in these lectures I affirm that Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross,or that he makes himself substantially present in the Eucharist, or that the gate to salvation is a narrow one, or that priestly ordination is reserved to men, or that capital punishment is sometimes warranted, in each case I am willingly adhering to the testimony of Scripture and perennial Catholic tradition."
"The good life does not have to an easy one, as our blessed Lord and the saints have taught us.
"Pope John Paul II in his later years used to say, The Pope must suffer.
"Suffering and diminishment are not the greatest of evils, but are normal ingredients in life, especially in old age.
"They are to be accepted as elements of a full human existence.
"Well into my 90th year I have been able to work productively.
"As I become increasingly paralyzed and unable to speak, I can identify with the many paralytics and mute persons in the Gospels, grateful for the loving and skillful care I receive and for the hope of everlasting life in Christ.
"If the Lord now calls me to a period of weakness, I know well that his power can be made perfect in infirmity.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
Right on, your eminence!
And what a hey of a "Farewell Address!"
Too bad you can't come here to Saint Mary Magdalene's and preach to our clergy! heh, heh! :)
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