Wednesday, July 09, 2008

J. Louise Larson: "Worried beekeeper has faith"

"Texan thinks scientists, others like him will solve puzzling decline in bee population"

Adapted from this secondary source: SA EXPRESS - NEWS, Friday July 4, 2008. Original source: Waxahachie Daily Light. n.d.

"WAXAHACIE -- Mark Brady has 320 million reasons to be concerned about colony collapse disorder.

"With 8,000 beehives and 40,000 bees in each hive, the sudden disappearance of as many as half of America's honey bees has him concerned.

"A lifetime resident of Waxahachie, Brady is one of Texas' top commercial beekeepers and President of the American Honey Producers Association."

As the reporter quotes Mr. Brady in his own words:

"A few years ago, beekeepers all over the U.S. started losing more bees than they would normally lose.

"Every year, a 10 - 15 percent loss -- that's pretty normal.

"Some of these guys all of a sudden started losing 40 percent or 50 percent -- some even higher than that.

"As it got more widespread all over the U.S., we realized we had some new problems we hadn't had in the past."


"His [Mr. Brady's] theory is that the disorder is actually a combination of things -- a sort of Bermuda Triangle of conditions, including diseases bees have had for years, such as virus strains and the Veroa mite, which attaches itself like a tick and is said to be building up resistance to treatments that once worked like a charm.

"Add pesticides and stress from being shuttled cross - country for work, and maybe somethings got to give.

"Last year, Brady was joined by others in the industry in Washington, where they testified before a House - Senate Sub - committee."


"The House Appropriations Committee approved $780,000 for research on colony collapse disorder and $10 million for other bee research."

As Mr. Brady sums it up:

"I don't want anyone to panic.

"We've got an awful lot of really good people working on this.

"I've got faith we're going to work this thing out; between the scientists and good beekeepers, we're going to figure out what's going on."

You bet, amigo...! :)


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