Thursday, July 17, 2008

Peter Verkhovensky in Dostoevski's The Possessed ...

Adapted from Claire Sterling's The Terror Network, page 210 of paperback edition.

Here's the advice of what she calls the satanic Peter Verkhovensky -- in this story most likely written in the late 1870s -- to all his little Russian homeboys and girls:


"First we'll start unrest!

"Do you know that, even now, we are terribly strong?

"We have people other than those who cut throats, set places on fire, go in for classical assassinations, and go around hitting people ... I have them all in hand already.

"We have the teacher who makes the children in trusted to his care laugh at their God and at their families;

"[W]e have the lawyer defending the well - educated murderer because he has reached a higher stage of development than his victims;

"[T]he school boys who, to experience a strong sensation, kill a peasant, are also with us;

"[T]he juries who acquit criminals are all working for us;

"[T]he prosecutor torn by his anguished fear of not being liberal enough does us a service.

"Ah, we have so many high government officials with us, and so many literary figures who don't even know it themselves!"


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