Monday, July 21, 2008

UTEP Accounting Major Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez:

"Tuition seems to go up every semester"

¡Adelante, DESTINO!

¡Ora, MEChA!

¡Ora, UTEP!

A free - wheeling adaption from this original source, Mr. Alex Hinojosa, Staff Reporter, The UTEP Prospector, July 16, 2008.

"Taming tuition trouble.

"One of the main issues concerning students is the amount of money spent each semester for tuition, parking and food.

"Accounting major Ms. Elizabeth Gutierrez said:

Tuition seems to go up every semester, I wish there was a way I could just pay it in installments like a bill.

Since it goes up every semester, it begins to get hard to afford and there are so many fees.

I would prefer that instead of paying 50 percent we could just go ahead and put down less than that, maybe 25 percent.

"In an effort to alleviate students' main concerns, university officials are making changes that, once implemented, promise to make UTEP a better place.

"Mr. Victor Pacheco, [UTEP] assistant vice president for business affairs said:

Students have voiced their opinions through the Student Government Association (SGA) as well as through a student focus group for parking that SGA developed.

SODEXO has conducted surveys as well.

With all this, we have developed several plans to put into action by the fall [of 2008?] to make UTEP better.

"The UTEP EasyPay Plan, which will go into effect this fall, will require students to pay their total tuition bill in five 20 percent payments during the semester...

"Food for thought.

"Mr. Pacheco said:

We realize that sometimes students don't have time to eat a full meal or head over to the Union.

With the mobile food carts and the addition of more food venues in different areas of campus, we are hoping this will help students stay energized as they head to their classes...

Humm ... o.k.! ... Good luck everybody, at least this all sure enough sounds good! :)


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