Friday, August 01, 2008

"Mosquitoes flourish in rains' aftermath"

The UTEP Prospector's
Mr. Isaac Perez weighs in on this issue!

¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Adelante, DESTINO!

Source: The UTEP Prospector, July 30, 2008.

"Mosquitoes that feed on human blood not only inflict annoying bites, but may also carry diseases.

"Mosquitoes in the region can carry up to five different infectious diseases, said Amalia Dudzienski, [D]irector of the UTEP Student Health Center."


"The best measures to prevent becoming infected with th[is] disease are to protect oneself to exposure from mosquitoes, and prevent them from breeding near homes and workplaces, said Tammy Fonce Olivas, spokeswoman for the City of El Paso's Environmental Services.

"At UTEP, the Environmental Health and Safety [D]epartment regularly screens the arroyo that runs around and through the campus, which is where most of the rain water drains into..."


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