"Fr. Quang makes it clear I'm not to go to the First Baptist Church anymore..."
(See previous blog posting below, as cited from original FAX!)
My own hypothetical "5th Quarter After Game Fellowship Friday" -- approach to this rather bizarre -- and repeated! -- demand after 10 or more months have come and gone runs something like this:
Hypothesis One:
The person currently calling himself Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van is vulnerable to shake downs because of sexual peccadilloes and over - all sexual hanky panky, past or present, of the Lavender Mafia variety, in who - knows - what diocese or archdiocese.
In other words blackmail, chantaje, however you name it.
Hypothesis Two:
The person currently calling himself Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van is vulnerable to blackmail due to financial hank - panky, past or present.
Hypotheis Three:
He's involved up to his ears in either some form of brujería or outright satanic activities, or has been fatally compromised by those, who, working within the St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish community, are themselves involved in such hypothetical activities.
Hypothesis Four:
Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van -- whatever his name may have been on hoked - up immigration documents upon arrival here in the good 'ole U.S. of A. -- is simply either 100% fake or 100% flake.
Hypothesis Five:
The person calling himself Fr. Anton Quang Dinh Van is any combination of the above.
Brother Jeff Janca and Brother Paul Kluzek:
"Threats to be both loathed and feared?"
"Duh??!!" :)
So why his insistence that we break contact with Brother Jeff Janca and all the good people, like brother Paul Kluzek, by no longer attending of the First Baptist Church of Brackettville, Texas?
Not even for good 'ole Christian singing and Bible 101 study?
While he was tacitly implying at the same time that -- for him, at least! -- the Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah's Witness in Del Rio is a mighty fine adjunct to St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish any 'ole time?
The answer, for me, at least to this why was a while in coming!
Because Father -- whatever his actual name turns out to be! -- immediately spotted both these gentlemen as threats to be both loathed and feared by him personally!
Folks, I'm going to come right say it just like it is: How could any man of even moderately normal sexual orientation have that violent a reaction to such gentlemen?
Beyond this working hypotheis, of course!
Which the simple fact that as Baptists, he "Fr. Quang ," may have found them both guilty of:
A. Believing in Jesus Christ.
B. Trying to act in accordance with their beliefs.
And given the hypothetical for instance that whatever occult bondage has a murderous grip upon his own soul just might have sensed this same quality in the First Baptist Church of Brackettville, too, guess what?
He would have had to choice but to recognize that these two qualities were perhaps lacking in him!
In turn, it would further explain his usual chattering gibberish a la Charlie Chan when he told us some such pious shinola as:
" Mister Denise, holy brothah' the church she'alla time be ah say 'ah ...
"Maybe I go bishop an' he too? ..
"Be a sayah you, o.k.?
"You go dis church but!
"You no go 'ah dat church! etc...."
So naturally, I asked him, inasmuch as he had called me to come in to see him at the rectory in the first place:
"Father, are you telling me that I can't go to First Baptist Church on Sunday evenings for singing and Bible Studies anymore?"
"'Jess, Mister Denise.
"Holy brothah' the Catholic church, like you 'ah know - ah?
"She - ah -- all!
"A time - ah' ...
"Be a say -ah ...etcetera..."
So on and so forth....!! :)
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