Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"This Rock's" Ms. Michelle Arnold on the Virgin Mary

In which the Roman Catholic Church contradicts both our St. Mary Magdalene's Parish Charismatic Group leaders & one (or more) of our morose and curiously sad and perhaps most certainly inadequately trained Deacons!

Question from January 2009 edition:

"If Mary was born without original sin and did not sin during her life, then does that mean that she did not need to be saved by Jesus?"

Adapted and highlighted from what Michelle gives us as the Roman Catholic Church's response:

"Christ's death on the cross as an eternal event; as such, its graces could reach back in time, as well as forward.

"This means that the grace that Christ would win on Calvary could be applied to Mary in anticipation of Calvary.

"This was how she was saved from any stain of sin, both original and actual.

"Medieval theologians created the analogy of two people approaching a pit.

"If one falls in and is rescued from the pit, and the second is preserved from falling into the pit, both are saved, and it even could be said that the one whose fall was prevented is saved far more completely than the one who is raised from the pit. (See also By the Book, This Rock, October 2007.) -- Michelle Arnold "


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