Friday, April 03, 2009

"How often have priests tried to make the Mass more entertaining in order to attract younger crowds?"

One tough - looking young priest, Father Bryce A. Sibley, has some sound, common - sense advice for all "our" local wannabe / make - believe St. Mary Magdalene's demonic - spirit "worshiping" [:)] paleros, mayomberos, nganguleros -- whether deacons or priests!

Adapted from his timely article, "The Mass is serious business," in the April 2009 edition of Homiletic & Pastoral Review.


The word "council" as father uses the noun here is the Council of Vatican II.

Our one and only "official' encounter with the Rev. Father Pius U. Ezeigbo -- which was at his request -- showed us that his knowledge of some of the most critical sections of one of the all - important Vatican II documents, Lumen Gentium, was more or less on the same Duh ??!! level as that of other key parish movers and shakers hereabouts, particularly those aged 60 and up!

These critical sections deal in vigorous language as they describe the continuing role of the Virgin Mary in Salvation History.

But to wannabe paleros, nganguleros, mayomberos -- these Vatican II documents are, naturally enough!

Just so much bewildering zip! :)

On the other hand, any high schooler or college student with even reasonably nimble fingers and of any or no religious persuasion can easily access Lumen Gentium online, and then start scanning sections 50 to like maybe 65 .

Then, she -- or he -- can quietly start thinking along the lines of, So why do these good people in Brackettille's Catholic Parish find this document so life- threatening??!! Wow! Could it just possibly be that they really are believers in Palo Mayombe, or some other related form of demonic spirit worship, and not just what bad 'ole Dennis thinks the most probable, just a bunch of fakers?

Now, at last! Here's Father!

"Think for a moment of all the experimental liturgies that took place in the years after the council.

"Though the Clown Mass has thankfully become a cliché, it demonstrates the depths of un - seriousness to which the celebration of the liturgy often sank [and here in Brackettville, at least, occasionally still does!].

"How often have priests [like Father Pius and Deacon James] tried to make the Mass more entertaining in order to attract younger crowds?

"As a result, the celebrant often becomes the center of attention instead of Christ, who acts in and through the priest [but most certainly not through Father Pius re-enacting some degraded superstitious mumbo - jumbo as he role - played along with his most docile deacon as a mayombero, ngangulero, palero, etc, o.k.?].

"Can we not trace this problem to another development in post - conciliar pastoral care -- the desire to deemphasize the sacrificial character of the Mass in favor of stressing the meal facade?"

You bet!

Good point, Father! :)


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