Connecticut's infamous Bill 1098
"Catholic State Senator McDonald and State Representative Lawler are both openly gay men..."
Both have been tireless in their efforts to usher in gay marriage in the state
Adapted from:
Anne Hendershoot's in - depth study: "Destroying From Within" The Catholic World Report. May 2009.
As the tag line puts it:
"The attempted legislative takeover of the Church in Connecticut exposes once again the partnership between Catholic dissenters and secularists."
Now for a randomly selected snippet or two from the main body of her work!
"Connecticut's Catholics and their clerical leaders are still reeling from a whirlwind week that began on March 5 when State Senator Andrew J. McDonald and State Rep. Michael Lawlor, both Democrats, introduced Bill 1098, called An Act Modifying Corporate Laws Relating to Certain Religious Corporations.
"The bill would have allowed the state of Connecticut to control individual parishes' governance and financial affairs, relegating the priests and bishops to an advisory role in their own parishes.
"According to Senator McDonald, the impetus behind the bill was what he called the worst case of financial mismanagement in a Connecticut Catholic parish.
"In local press reports, McDonald claimed that his constituents asked for his help to address the priestly scandal.
"But there is much more to this story.
"On the surface, the proposed bill looks like an unconstitutional takeover by the state of Connecticut.
"And while that is true, the motivation behind the legislation reflects a much bigger issue.
"The evidence surrounding this takeover points to yet another example of what sociologist Peter Berger calls the secularization from within the Church itself.
"The real force behind this bill is a small but well - organized group of Catholics -- unhappy with Church teachings on moral and governance issues -- attempting to enlist the state as a partner in radically transforming the church from within.
"[O]ne only has to look closely at some of those promoting the bill.
"Fairfield University Catholic Studies Professor Paul Lakeland, a former Jesuit priest, has been on the front lines in leading the charge for the bill.
"Rev. Michael Jude Fay, a Bridgeport diocesan pastor, was convicted of stealing up to $1.4 million in parishioner donations to lead a luxurious lifestyle with his gay partner.
"For gay - rights activists intent on denouncing what they view as the Church's hypocrisy on homosexuality, the Fay case is often used to illustrate what can happen when gay men are not allowed to express their sexuality as priests."
Moreover, "Beyond abortion, Catholic lawmakers have been especially eager to pass homosexual rights bills in the state.
"Catholic State Senator McDonald and State Representative Lawler, sponsors of the now - dismissed Church governance bill, are both openly gay men and outspoken same - sex marriage advocates.
"Both have been tireless in their efforts to usher in gay marriage in the state, and both have been critical of the Catholic church's opposition to laws dismantling the current definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman."
"So convinced that the proposed state takeover of the church was a form of payback for the church's efforts to prevent the legalization of same - sex marriage in the state, Bishop Lori told a reporter for a local newspaper that he believes that the proposed Church's governance was an effort to silence the Church on important issues of the day -- especially with regard to marriage.
A real good read! :)
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