Saturday, May 02, 2009

"Homosexuals are called and generously give their lives in service to a community where they are forever a minority."

Part II now added! 5/04/2009

"[A]ttitudes towards homosexuality and gays are radically different for those in their 20s..."


"[M]any may think that religious life or priesthood is only for those who are homosexual."

"This impression is troubling."


So - called American - Catholic Jesuits are indeed highly trained in the fine and - oh - so -subtle art of talking out of both sides of their mouths at one and the same time, huh? :)

Thus. when the premier Jesuit magazine America (January 5 - 12, 2009) comes up with some really creative "solutions" to the shortage of Catholic priests in America, they come out of the closet really swinging!

Adapted from this article by anthropologist Father Richard G. Malloy, S.J. :

"Making a Mark: Attracting young adults to priesthood and religious life"

And now, Part I of this brief excerpt:

"Christ calls us to live our lives heroically.

"Our sexual choices should make us admirable and authentic people, persons committed to love.

"We also have to speak openly and honestly of the elephant in the living room, or in the sacristy [like Father David Zumaya here for 9 years or so in Brackettville ??!!], as the case may be.

"In every diocese and religious community, there are gay men and [lesbian?] women living and working as brothers, sisters, priests.

"In the wake of Donald Cozzen's book The Changing face of the Priesthood, and others' reflections on homosexuals in the priesthood and religious life, many may think that religious life or priesthood is only for those who are homosexual.

"One young heterosexual man I know, on telling a fried he was entering a religious order, heard the reply, Oh, I didn' t know you were gay.

"This impression is troubling.

"If the perception is that religious life and priesthood are just for gays, many may never consider it as an option."

I have been challenged as a heterosexual called to a community where a number of my brothers in Christ were homosexual.

"In my 30 years as a Jesuit, I have not found th eissue of sexual orientation very discomfiting or stifling.

"Despite Jay Leno's and Bill Maher's jokes, religious life is not dominated by a gay subculture."

Is that really so, though?

"In fact, in most cases I would not even know men in my community were gay unless they told me."

So, why did they tell you, then?

"Many heterosexual priests and religious have learned to be more appreciative and understanding of the gay men and women among us."

"Homosexuals are called and generously give their lives in service to a community where they are forever a minority.

"It is not an easy cross to bear.

"At times I have been challenged to learn and grow as a heterosexual called to a community where a number of my brothers in Christ were homosexual.

"Ultimately it does not matter whether one is gay or straight, as long as a person wants to live the vows, serve God's people and proclaim the Gospel.

"Furthermore, attitudes towards homosexuality and gays are radically different for those in their 20s than for those in their 60s."

Sodom and Gomorrah had to start some place, huh?

"For the millennials, gays are an accepted, admired and liked part of their social and cultural lives."

Ditto Sodom and Gomorrah, big time!

"Gay characters are a staple on many popular television programs, and every college campus has a gay and straight club of some sort.

So, what does this supposedly prove?

"Young adults are consequently much more interested in and able to handle these realities.

"It is our silence on such matters that is more likely to give them pause."

Oh, my! Well, Father, no one can say that of you, though, can they now? :)


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