Saturday, May 23, 2009

"New clergy assignments -- appointments, re -- appointments, retirements"

Source: Today's Catholic. May 22, 2009. Page 7.


"Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu -- appointed pastor, Holy Trinity Parish in San Antonio, for an indefinite period.

"Father Anton Quang Dinh Van -- appointed administrator, San Francisco di Paola Church in San Antonio, which has a special relationship to San Fernando Cathedral, for a three - year period


"Father Pius Ezeigbo -- re - appointed administrator protem, St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Brackettville and St. Blaise Parish in Spofford Junction, for a three - year period.

"Father Arturo Cepeda -- re - appointed director, Vocation Office for the Archdiocese of San Antonio, as well as vice - rector of Assumption Seminary, for a one - year period..."


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