Saturday, June 20, 2009

"[H]e decided to leave the priesthood and marry."

"[W]ife says h
e loved imparting what he knew."

"Is there such a thing as a soul or a God?"

"Wife says He knew that God is much bigger than where we bank."

"A couple of years ago, his family adopted a stray dog."

"He decided on the dog's name: Aristotle."

Adapted from a wickedly whimsical obituary about a deceased former OMI priest, superbly written by Mr. Edmund Tijerina in The San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS. Friday, June 19, 2009.

"Aspell, 78, dealt with life's larger questions"

Former priest taught philosophy, was therapist.

Gee I dunno folks!

That former stray dog Aristotle may still be scratching one or more ears as he ponders THE MEANING OF IT ALL, but his former lord and master will most certainly by now have it all figured out.

Man, I can only wish him luck! :(


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