"Make - A - Wish helps St. Mary's student Ms. Alyssa Treviño meet pope"
Part II.
[ Continued from actual text of article related to Saturday's photo caption posting ]
"Wednesday's meeting with the pontiff was the culmination of a wish she made more than four years ago, when John Paul II still reigned over the church.
"Though Treviño could not be reached from comment, the photograph of the young Harlingen native being greeted by Pope Benedict XVI, who is smiling broadly, tells it all,
"Her parish priest, Father Tom Pincelli of Harlingen's St. Anthony Catholic Church calls it a masterful smile.
"[H]e added, You will not find a more courageous young lady as this girl.
"In April, Treviño also told a reporter that her family is close - knit.
'[S]he said They've gone through the same stuff I've gone through because they've always been there.
"They accompanied her to Rome, too.
"Make - A - Wish flew her father, Albert, a Border Patrol agent, there, along with her mother, Edna, who works at a dental office in Harlingen, and her younger brother Danny, a high school student.
"Back home, many well - wishers were cheering her on.
"[Father] Pincelli said he hoped the papal meeting would add to the strength she already has.
"Every Wednesday, thousands of people gather in Vatican City for the pope's weekly audience, an event held in the 6,300 - person capacity Paul VI Audience Hall.
"Before leaving, Treviño said she didn't know what she'd say if she got the chance to meet the pope. I think I'll probably be really scared, and I might cry...."
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