Saturday, June 06, 2009

"It's blasphemous that you dare to portray Jesus as a woman."

Mother Angelica publicly denounces Cardinal Mahony and other bishops in 1993.

Re: the Stations of the Cross at World Youth Day, Denver, etc.!

You're sick ... you have nothing to offer ... you do nothing but destroy ...
your whole purpose is to destroy...

Adapted from
: Christopher A. Ferrara's book, EWTN: A Network Gone Wrong.

What follows is a brief excerpt of Ferrara's lengthy quote from Raymond Arroyo's own work, called Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve and a Network of Miracles, (New York: Doubleday, 2005, page 240.

From pages 5 - 6 of Ferrara's book:

"No longer, then, does EWTN exhibit the kind of anti - Modernist fervor we witnessed when Mother blasted not only Cardinal Mahony, but all the American bishops for allowing a woman to perform the role of Christ during the Stations of the Cross at World Youth Day in Denver in 1993.

"[S]he said in disgust, This is it. I've had all I'm going to take.

"A few days later she blasted the bishops on her live television show.

"Arroyo recounts that after reciting a long train of abuses arising from the governance of liberal prelates, including disrespect for the Blessed Sacrament and mandatory sex education in Catholic schools, she continued:

[ Now, what follows next is from page 6 of Ferrara's book, taken in turn from Arroyo's. And so, here's Mother Angelica, in her own words.]

"It's blasphemous that you dare to portray Jesus as a woman.

"You know, as Catholics we've been quiet all these years ...

"I'm tired, tired of being pushed in the corners.

"I'm tired of your inclusive language that refuses to admit that the Son of God is a man.

"I am so tired of you liberal Church in America.

"You're sick ...

"You have nothing to offer.

"You don't have vocations, and you don't even care -- your whole purpose is to destroy...

"You can't stand Catholicism at its height, so you try to spoil it, as you've spoiled so many things in these thirty years...."


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