Monday, July 13, 2009

More John Calvin Hegedus sex case detail:

Deacon Pat Rodgers confirmed back in April:

"Hegedus attended Assumption Seminary from 2006 to 2008, but left before completing his studies there..."

Hegedus placed on administrative leave...

From: The Seguin Gazette - Enterprise, online. Published April 17, 2009. By Reporter Ron Maloney.

Well, good people, many of you are sincere in posting comments in such websites as WOAI Radio's more or less pointing out that the San Antonio Archdiocese does criminal records checks of its school employees, etcetera.


Not always, at any rate!

Or at least, not for real...

"Remember the John Ward case?"

We posted a synopsis of that one on Monday, February 25, 2008.

"A fugitive for more than three years, a 58 - year - old South side man shot a neighbor in the face as the victim's two children stood and watched, police and witnesses say.

"John Ward was taken into custody and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

"One neighbor described Ward as a kind, easygoing man who recently taught Catholic doctrine to kids at a nearby church..."


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