San Antonio Archbishop's Appeal -- like Paddington the little Bear -- still ambles on here locally in Brackettville !!
So many competing financial demands on his excellency, The Most Reverend José Horacio Gómez, Archbishop of San Antonio, know what I mean? :)
Yet another of his very own hand - picked -- thankfully now - ex! -- seminarians caught trying to stick his hands down yet another kid's pants, at the kid's own house, no less!
What was Father Arturo Cepeda, Archdiocesan Director of Vocations, thinking to let this fondling and drooling reject from the remotest reaches of the planet of anus mundi into Assumption Seminary in the first place?
Let alone for two (2) whole years - worth of fondling and drooling with his like - minded fellow seminarians??!!
We'd better believe that there were fellow seminarians of normal sexual orientation who more than likely made a good faith effort to alert the competent authorities as to what this anus mundi reject was up to, most likely 24 - 7!
Because how else could such an aggressive sexual predator last so long?
If not because he was protected -- by our archdiocesan so - called Lavender Mafia??!!
Whether priests, seminarians or laity?
Now on "administrative leave," Mr. John Calvin Hegedus is sure to cost His Excellency big legal bucks!
So here's the latest on our own little humble contribution:
Original assessed 2009 parish valuation of "560 -- St. Mary Magdalene Church -- Brackettville: $3,505."
Our own little 2 cents worth: a flat 30% off the top: $1,051.50.
Assigned Account # 056000273 09 IPS.
Paid in so far this year: $651.50.
Remaining balance owed Archbishop's Appeal as of our last payment yesterday: $400.00 .
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