Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"Donna," advertising rep for the Catholic newspaper, Our Sunday Visitor.

This morning she spoke with us about current OSV policy re Medjugorje adds.

When asked by phone if OSV was no longer taking adds for Medjurgorje adds, Donna explained two(2) things:

Yes! Our Sunday Visitor still takes those kind of adds.



The adds can't use the word "pilgrimage to Medjugorje," as the Church hasn't yet approved.

Thus, any such adds must use some such term as "tour to Medjugorje."

So, what's all this about?! :)

"What it's all about" is this:

Any non - Catholic Christian brother or sister here in Brackettville who wants to watch a documentary called Visions on Demand on the undisputed truth linking the demoniacally - inspired spiritual corruption of Medjugorje to the plain old time financial corruption that started with Original Sin as an Equal Opportunity Employer needs only to ask to borrow a VCR or DVD from any Catholic brother or sister of Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish who has a copy to lend out.

And thus leave themselves free to ask any number of other Catholic friends and fellow students: Why are your poor old grandparents, etc. still going along with this vicious fraud?

'Cause, as we've been saying since August 2007 regarding the ongoing horrendous scandals in today's Catholic Church, in relation to our devote non - Catholic sisters and brothers:

"Aren't They Entitled To The Truth, Too?"


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