Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Flattering review of Rembrant Weakland's

A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic [ha! ha!] Archbishop.

One of the Lavender Mafia's highest ranking so - called Male Ho*s in Control

Now dares to bare to us his very soul

Adapted from: U.S. Catholic, October 2008. Book review signed J. Peter Nixon.

"When Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland resigned in May 2002, he did so in the midst of a media firestorm.

"Earlier that month, ABC News had broadcast an interview with Paul Marcoux, who claimed that Weakland had sexually assaulted him two decades earlier.

"In the days that followed, the public learned that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee had paid $450,000 to Marcoux in a confidential settlement.

"Subsequent revelations suggesting that the relationship had been consensual [Oh, wow! So, now we know! :)] did little to salvage Weakland's reputation [My goodness, you don't say! :) ].

"It was a tragic end to the career of one of the most prominent American [male h*os as] churchmen of the 20th century...

"Toward the end of the book, he provides a window into the thinking of bishops faced with allegations of clergy sexual abuse...."

But! Does that include his own? (Ha, Ha, HA!)


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