Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Ministry to Homosexuals"

"Courage founder urges chastity of the heart for those struggling with same - sex attraction"

It doesn't make sense to identify yourself as gay or lesbian...

What is important is that you are a creature of God...

This random snippet adapted from the April 5, 2009 edition of Our Sunday Visitor.

"Father John F. Harvey, OSFS, was 23 and teaching moral theology when he overheard a discussion about homosexuality.

"[H]e told Our Sunday Visitor, They told me about men being attracted to men, and I wondered -- is that really happening? I laugh at myself now. I was that naive.

"He spent the summers of 1953 and 1954 researching same - sex attraction for teaching and to write for a theological journal.

"He later wrote 40 more articles and a book, The Homosexual Person.

"In 1980, at the urging of the late Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York, he co - founded Courage, a Catholic ministry for people with same - sex attraction.

"He directed it until October [2008?!] when Father Paul Check took over.

"Father Harvey now serves as executive director emeritus.

"Courage has headquarters in New York City and chapters in more than 110 dioceses here and abroad.

"Father Harvey, 90, still runs weekly meetings for people who seek to live chaste lives in accord with Catholic teaching...

"Change requires white - knuckle chastity because he, added, we can't do much for someone who keeps acting out in homogenital acts...

"Father Harvey cautions people to not homosexuality define who they are.

"[H]e said, It doesn't make sense to identify yourself as gay or lesbian. That's not the most important thing about you. What is important is that you are a creature of God with body and soul, made in the likeness of God.

"Although the origin of homosexuality is still under study, Courage philosophies are based on research that there are many factors, not causes, such as unhealthy relationships early in life.

"That understanding, combined with support and a commitment, Father Harvey told OSV, has led many people to successfully control their sexual impulses and strive to follow Christ.

"[H]e said, They are coming from lust to sanctifying grace. We call it chastity of the heart. That is a greater change, if not a miracle in itself..."

Way to go padre! :)


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