Mr. Steve Martinez, Today's Catholic Newspaper:
"Creating a safe environment"
Minus references to such recent archiepiscopal blunders as Mr. John Ward (2008) & Mr. John Calvin most people don't know he gay [sic.] Hegedus (2009)!
Adapted from the current edition of September 25, 2009.
"With the start of the new school and catechetical year, it is time to review what the Archdiocese of San Antonio is doing to create a safe environment within our parishes and Catholic schools.
"The archdiocese wants every child and youth to be safe from harm within our community.
"The archdiocese has made a commitment to correct mistakes that were made in the past [Wow! That good 'ole passive voice again!] by setting up a system that addresses adults, children and youth.
"The Safe Environment program consists of three parts; criminal background checks,* the sexual misconduct policy** and the safe environment training.***
"The first part of creating a safe environment is to conduct criminal background checks (CBC).*
"The CBC is done to screen those who will be around our children and youth.*
"The archdiocese requires all clergy and employees to complete a CBC.
"It also requires that all volunteers who minister to children and youth , and volunteers who minister to vulnerable populations must complete a CBC.*
"The volunteers that minister to children and youth include catechists,* CYO coaches, youth ministers, youth choir directors, etc.
"Vulnerable populations include the homebound, sick, elderly, etc.
"CBC must be completed every three years.****"
*Baloney! John Ward had a fugitive warrant for all he supposedly had "recently taught Catholic doctrine" to Catholic school children at a neighborhood parish located I'd say somewhere close to the block of 3200 Merriweather in San Antonio, Texas.
Shortly after leaving this post he wandered outside one balmy weekend afternoon and allegedly shot his neighbor through the face.
At the same time, Mr. Ward was also openly living with his girlfriend and her children, too.
**So what happened with John Calvin Hegedus? OLLU Grad of the Class of 2007? My guess while still at the seminary?
*** Ditto!
**** Unless the clowns are arrested in between times!
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