Father Regis Scanlon.
Director of Catholic prison ministry for the Archdiocese of Denver.
Asks the tough, yet relevant question:
"Can clergy sex offenders be helped?"
What modern treatment programs for sexual abuse leave out is faith in Jesus Christ and the notion of repentance for one's sins...
Adapted from his timely article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, October 2009.
"What should the Church do with priests and religious who were guilty of clergy sexual abuse in the United States?
"Psychologist Rev. Stephen J. Rossetti, the director of the best known of the clinics involved in the treatment of abusive Catholic clergy, has stated about the Church's response to clergy sexual abuse scandal: The Church has crafted an institutional response that has tended to be legal and psychological. What has been sorely lacking is the pastoral dimension.
"More specifically, I would say that greater attention needs to be paid to the task of reparation for their sins with a view toward spiritual rehabilitation of these fallen clergy and religious.
"These men are consecrated to the Lord and the Scriptures tell us that consecration matters to God.
"When David was tempted to kill King Saul in self - defense, David said: The Lord forbid that I should do such a thing to my master, the Lord's anointed, as to lay a hand on him, for he is the Lord's anointed (1 Sam. 24:7).
"If this is the case with the Old Testament royal anointing, how much more important are those anointed to the priesthood of Jesus Christ.
"The aim of this article, therefore, is to recommend a spiritual treatment for these fallen priests and religious which will respect their dignity and respond to the need for reparation for harm done to the entire Church.
"The intent here is to propose a place where fallen priests and religious will not only be contained and controlled but will actually receive treatment that will lead to their recovery both spiritually and emotionally.
"But first we must pin - point the problem..."
Good for you, Reverend! :)
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