"Quien no conoce a Dios, ante cualquier palo se hinca." II
Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap. tells us more!
"We have only two ways to be healed or to improve: through nature or through grace.
"Nature includes science, medicine, technology and all the resources that man has received from God to govern the earth and his own life in obedience to Him.
"Grace includes faith and prayer, through which healing and miracles are sometimes obtained -- always, however, from God, because that power belongs to God (Psalm 62.11)."
Practices related to Saint Mary Magdalene's Nganga Tree?
"When a third way appears - whether it is recourse to occult powers through occult means [Brackettville's Nganga Tree?], secretly concealed from God without any need for His approval [Nope! Here our clergy openly flaunts it!], or the direct abuse of His name [Bingo! As when some clowns dutifully intoned the Our Father in last year's Nganga Tree mitote!] or of some of His signs (like the pictures of certain saints) -- then the master and pioneer of this third [or Satan's] way enters immediately on the scene.
"He [Satan] is the one who said one day that all power on earth was his and that he could give it to whomever he pleased if he were adored (see Luke 4:6).
"Devastation in such cases is inevitable.
"The fly [including many St. MM parishioners over age 60] is caught in the web of the great spider and will not easily come out alive..."
But hey, folks, so what?
If these people deliberately chose to park their brains outside with their cars, who has the right to complain?
True, we might argue that they have indeed deliberately chosen an utterly self - destructive course of action.
Ultimately, so what, indeed?
Because at Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish, at least, these good people have done all this as an act of their own God - given free will... :(
.... Far, far, away, the young secretary of a certain pastor, the pastor of Holy Trinity Catholic Church in San Antonio, sits at her desk pondering the latest input from Brackettville.
Should she pass it on to her boss?
Or should she just pitch it?
And if she pitches it, who will care anyway?
Humm ... good question!
Further, a question that will most likely not be be answered until tomorrow sometime, or maybe not even until early Friday, when a regularly scheduled Air Italia plane lands in Rome, Italy, with the usual bags of US Special Delivery Mail on board....
And a little hole in the wall Roman press office just might get a package post marked Brackettville, Texas.
A package with $27.00 worth of pre - paid postage, and containing -- among other items! -- a copy of The Brackett News, as well as a copy of a St. MM bulletin....
Oh, my! Oh, my!
Poor little secretary at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas! :)
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