Young fellas and ladies from Brackettville's & Spofford's Catholic Parishes!
Excel in both sports and literary achievements!
Literary achievement:
Ms. Kaitlyn López and Ms. Alexa Solis.
Jones Elementary Fifth Graders.
Spofford's San Blas / Saint Blaze community's Ms. Alexa Solis linked up w/ Brackettville's Saint Mary Magdalene's Ms. Kaitlyn López to put BISD's Jones Elementary Fifth Graders on the front page of The Brackett News, Thursday, Oct 29, 2009.
Their co - authored poem is called Halloween Night, and is indeed scary!
Here's a sample:
"Halloween Night"
"I woke up late last night with quite a fright,
I walked into the kitchen
And saw a dead chicken
"It's head was gone right to the neck.
So hey, I thought whatha heck
"I turned the oven on
But the chicken was gone...
"So I ate some paint
For it was the only solution
To my revolution
"I was too tired to weep
So I tried to sleep
"But there was something about tonight
That I couldn't get right
I soon remembered
"It was Halloween night!"
Way to go, ladies! :)
Sports: Track
St. MM's Altar Server / Youth Group member Ms. Icela Rueda placed 20th w/ a time of 14:59 in Junior Varsity Girls at the Bandera HS XC Meet, Wednesday, October 21, 2009.
Meanwhile St. Blaze / San Blas community's Mr. Joelson Terrazas placed 2nd with a time of 18:41 for the Junior Varsity Boys division, and St. MM's Youth Group personality Mr. Victor Cantu 72nd with a time of 23:02.
Sports: Girls' Volleyball
St. Mary Magdalene's Youth Group member Ms. Nena Molinar helped her team mates "earn the outright title of District Champions."
The victorious Tigerettes waxed both Comstock and D'Hanis.
Ms. Nena Molinar's Kills alone totaled 25, for both games.
Way to go, Nena! :)
Sports: Football
St. MM's Community member Mr. Victor Robledo w/ Altar Server / Youth Group members Mr. Sam Stewart and Mr. Daniel Molinar scored touchdowns against Nueces Canyon.
Good show, guys! :)
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