Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"What is the emptying of Christ that I read about in Paul's letter to the Philippians?"

Adapted from this same issue of This Rock magazine.


"What is the emptying of Christ that I read about in Paul's letter to the Philippians?

"Some say that Jesus got rid of his divinity* to become fully human and so he was no longer God..."

Mr. Jim Blackburn's rock'em, sock'em answer.

"Philippians 2:6 - 7 states: [Christ Jesus], though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

"Jesus had both divine nature and human nature but he emptied himself of the glory of his divine nature.

"The Navarre Bible commentary explains..."

And, so: here it is explained!

"Christ did not shed his divine nature; he simply shed his glory, its aura; if he had not done so it would have shown through his human nature.

"... Christ could not cease to be God, but he could temporarily renounce the exercise of rights that belonged to him as God -- which is what he did."

-- Jim Blackburn --


Updated: Wednesday, December 23, 2009.

*As does Archbishop Gomez's Dean of the OMI Theological Academy of Applied Clownology, for example?!

At least in this same Father Rolheiser's account - - or fantasy -- of Holy Thursday, when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, that was published in Today's Catholic.

Now, in all fairness to their excellencies, San Antonio's Archbishop Gomez & Cardinal Dinardo of Houston, well, who knows?

Personally, yours truly suspects they may well have become so used to letting their respective newspapers run amok portraying the likes of the Rev. Father Rolheiser, OMI, as the reincarnation of The Fifth Wise Man, that they have actually come to believe it themselves! :)

My, my! Oh! my!


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