Monday, January 25, 2010

Brother Daniel Burke's compelling testimony:

"My first exposure to Catholicism was through an abusive step - father.

"[M]y first church experience came at Glenn Memorial Baptist Church in Covina, California.

"Before I continue I must say that I am deeply grateful for my Protestant heritage."

"I was received into Christ's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in July of 2005..."

These snippets are from The Coming Home Network International, in their January 2010's Newsletter.

His testimony is called: From Hatred to Hope: One Man's 20 Year Journey into the Catholic Faith.

"My first exposure to Catholicism was through an abusive step - father.

"A few key memories include our home being destroyed end - to - end in a drunken rage, and forensic photographs of my mother after a brutal encounter.

"My most prominent memory is of gunfire in our home during a shouting match between him and my mother.

"I was only nine years old.

"Not the greatest introduction to the faith..."

Way to go, Brother Dan Burke!


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