Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"A businessman who had been feuding with a lawyer..."

Adapted from the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, January 2010.

"Homilies on the liturgy of the Sundays and feasts"

By the Rev. Fr. Stephen F. Brett. Navigating faith and morals: 5th Sunday of the Year -- February 7.

"Title: Our relationships to the pope and the bishops."

"C Readings: Isa 6:1 - 81. Cor. 15: 1 - 11. Luke 5: 1 - 11."

"A businessman who had been feuding with a lawyer called the lawyer's office and was told that the lawyer had passed away.

"The same call came in several more times until the receptionist in the law office asked, Haven't you called before?

"The businessman answered, Yes, but I just wanted to hear it again.

"The divine calls to Isaiah and Simon Peter will not be heard again, but their consequences can never be forgotten.

"As we consider today the teaching office of the Church we are reminded by Pope Benedict XVI that being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life to a new horizon and a decisive direction.

"That is exactly what our Gospel records, an encounter whose effects continue to direct us on issues of faith and morals today through the teaching office of the Catholic Church, the barque of Peter navigating through treacherous waters of nihilism and relativism.

"Paul illustrates the exercise of this office in teaching about the Resurrection in the second reading.

"He too knew something of the impact of an encounter.

"He didn't choose a code, he answered a call..."

This whole section is a great read!


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