Mr. Roy Abraham Varghese...
Has a special challenge for:
UTEP's Philosophy of Physics 1401 students! :)
And all those B.H.S. Catapult Champions, too!
"A contemporary analogy for the Trinity may be drawn from quantum physics"
The author of Cosmos, Bios, Theos clues us in!
And, no!
It's not "Jesus like Heather, Likewise Has Two Mommies!"
Adapted from the January 2010 edition of Homiletic & Pastoral Review. By Mr. Roy Abraham Varghese, author of Cosmos, Bios, Theos (1992). Original article's title is: How the truth of the Trinity makes sense of everything.
"Historically, various analogies to the Trinity have been proposed.
"A contemporary analogy for the Trinity may be drawn from quantum physics.
"According to the famous wave - particle duality idea of quantum theory, the same sub - atomic entities may be thought of as both waves and particles.
"It all depends on how the entity is measured: for instance, light behaves sometimes as a particle and sometimes as a wave.
"The instruments and procedures you use for measuring a quantum state determines what you observe: wave or particle.
"Applying this analogy, we might say that the distinction of the Three Persons in one Godhead is understood in terms of how their relation of origin is measured: how one of the Persons is related in terms of origin determines who it is.
"We consider the same fundamental quantum reality but it is known and acts differently depending on how it is measured.
"Likewise, we consider the same Godhead but it is known and acts differently depending on the origin relation being considered: the Son is eternally begotten by the Father, the Spirit is eternally spirated from Father and Son, and the Father is the eternal begetter of the Son and spirator of the Spirit.
"It is the same divine reality in all three instances just as the same quantum reality that acts and is known as wave and particle.
"I hasten to add that this analogy, like all others, is imperfect and potentially misleading."
Hummm ... good point, Señor! :)
UTEP Spring Semester 2010 is inbound already!
¡Ora, UTEP!
¡Ora, MEChA!
¡Adelante, DESTINO!
Welcome back everyone... :)
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