Wednesday, March 24, 2010

President emeritus of St. Mary's University.

And Jesus Christ
- believing Roman Catholic priest Father John Leies opines:

"Are there pets in heaven?

"I have to say the answer is no.

"They have no souls.

"To make animals human is to make humans animals."

Adapted from Today's Catholic, from the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Published March 12, 2010.

"We are often advised to read the signs of the times.

"One sign today is the dechristianization taking place in traditional countries.

"Our Christian tradition has always seen human beings in a privileged light, as made in the image and likeness of God, uniquely persons with inalienable rights.

"Losing sight of that truth leads to the present tendencies to humanize animals.

"To make animals human is to make humans animals.

"It is interesting to note that in recent years I have been asked more than in the past whether animals go to heaven.

"I have to say the answer is no.

"They have no immortal souls.

"It could be possible for God after the resurrection of the dead to give us pets but I do not think he will.

"And we will not miss them -- nor relatives and friends who did not make it to paradise.

"God alone will suffice ..."


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