Monday, April 12, 2010

Rev. Fr. Regis Scanlon on:

"The Validity of Homosexual Vows of Chastity in Religion"


"Can you give up what you don't have?"

Adapted from the New Oxford Review, March 2010.

"When the John Jay College of Criminal Justice conducted its research into sex abuse for the U.S. bishops in 2004, it found not a pedophilia crisis but what Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist - in - chief at John Hopkins Hospital, described as a pattern of homosexual predation on American Catholic youth.

"The first question that comes to mind is:

"Should the Church accept homosexuals into diocesan and religious seminaries and religious community life?

"Consideration of this question is based on the answer to a more fundamental question:

"Is a homosexual's vow of of chastity in religious life valid?"

Humm ... good question, padre! :)

More, later!


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