Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Circling the wagons against the common enemy," American Catholic style!

"I am a permanent deacon, having been ordained in 1974.

"I am also the father of a clergy abuse victim.

"When my son revealed his abuse to us years ago, we were horrified..."

"When his claims were made public, we were vilified --

"-- prayer vigils held for the accused, fundraisers for his defense, poison pen letters, eggs thrown at the house, and other things too numerous to mention..."

Brief snippets from a letter to the editor of the Homiletic & Pastoral Review June / July 2010 issue detailing the personal experience of the Rev. Mr. Patrick J. Goles, Deacon, Archdiocese of Baltimore. Bel Air, Maryland.

Then, finally!

"..Ultimately, two things happened: another victim came forth, and the priest finally confessed, and we got a new ordinary, who immediately reached out to my son and my family...."


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