Tuesday, November 09, 2010

"American Catholic" priest, Father Connell J. Maguire.

Riviera Beach, Florida.

Does the Right to Abortion trump society's

Right to Apply the Death Penalty??!!

Father says You Bet!!

Snippet from his letter to the editor in U.S. Catholic magazine. November 2010.

"Normally, aborting human life at any stage, even for mercy, is evil.

"But there is one exception: When rights to life clash, defense of one's life, or that of others, allows taking of human life.

"The life of the threatened person prevails.

"Most assume that the threatener needs to be unjust.

"This assumption is erroneous.

"A pilot mistakenly killing friendly soldiers [as in the Battle of Bin Son I??!!] can be shot down [as that Huey was!!] even though he is innocent of ill will.

"Similarly, if someone thinks he is shooting blanks but isn't, and I fear a child is about to be killed, I can shoot him.

"Accordingly, if a fetus is a definite threat to the life of its mother, self - defense allows the the right to life of the mother to prevail, even though the fetus obviously doesn't exhibit any intention to harm her.

"Paradoxically, there is no moral justification for an exception in the case of capital punishment in our country.

"We can imprison for life, so there is no threat to anyone.

"Yet outrage at this blatant disregard of moral principles is minimal, even in pro - life circles...."

(signed) Father Connell J. Maguire, Riviera Beach, Fla..

"What a guy, huh??!!" :)


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