Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Rafael also grew to adulthood.

"He was armed with pistols,

"and one day he shot and killed three men.

"He had been cutting into another drug cartel's territory..."

Random snippet from Father Francis Theodore Pfeifer, O.M.I's memoir, When The Wolves Came.

"Rafael also grew to adulthood.

"He drove a new truck and made many night trips.

"He was armed with pistols, an done day he shot and killed three men...

"When Father Liekens and I returned from a retreat, we were told that Rafael had killed three men.

"He said it was self - defense.

"He had been cutting into another drug cartel's territory.

"One day, Father Liekens and I returned from a meeting with Bishop Arturo Lona Reyes.

"[W]e arrived in the parish at the top of the mountains around 3 p.m.

"After unloading the truck, we lay down to rest."

Comes a knock on their door: it's Rafael's mother!

"She said: Rafael my son, has been shot and is very badly hurt.

"Leaving with her, we walked to a house on the edge of town.

"Rafael lay on the floor bleeding, with part of his face shot away.

"I said: Rafael, your are dying. Please, let me confess you and give you the holy oils.

"He made the motion and received the sacraments in the presence of his mother..."

Like I say, good people, this little book rocks!

Check this book out pronto at your local public library.

It should be readily available in both English and in EspaƱol. :)


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