Thursday, March 03, 2011

George Weigel on Texas A & M University's Saint Mary's Catholic Center:

Full of bright, young, Jesus Christ - believing Christians?

Like Baylor University, the Baptist Church's Flag Ship University?

Snippets from his article Aggie Catholic renaissance, in our Today's Catholic Newspaper. Friday, February 25, 2011.

"Where can you find a Catholic chaplaincy at an institution of higher learning that's looking to expand its church to seat 1,400, because the current 850 just isn't enough?

"The Catholic renaissance at Texas A & M is staffed by two full-time priests, three part - time and semi - retired deacons, one part - time priest, three full - time lay campus ministers, three sisters from the Apostles of the Interior life, three part - time campus ministers and four part - time student interns.

"Texas A&M is a special place, culturally; in many respects, it seems to have skipped the '60s, such that its 21st - century life is in palpable continuity with its past.

"That's a deeply Catholic cultural instinct, which St. Mary's has seized to build a program that is a model for the entire country..."

Good points there, Mr. Weigel! :)


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