... and zero pot hole fill ins ...
July 12, 2011: Brackettville City Council receives Mr. David Martinez's Monthly Maintenance Report!
Kinney County, Texas 78832.
"Maintenance Supervisor Mr. David Martinez gave his monthly report.
"Martinez said the city's maintenance employees performed nine new water service turn ons; six temporary water turn offs; 35 water meter re - reads; 13 water leak inspections; 19 stray animal pick ups; and zero pot holes fill ins..."
From: The Brackett News Weekly. Thursday, July 14, 2011.
Anthropological note: Just as is the case elsewhere in the so - called Developing World -- where the merest handful of $$$ Rancheros Cocoleros $$$ are openly permitted to maintain a hereditary stranglehold on both politics and money flow -- Brackettville, Texas 78832, is likewise cursed by poorly - financed municipal infrastructure.
Having lived, worked, or merely visited other parts of the Third World, this is only too familiar.
Nevertheless, I personally believe we need to look at the big picture: we're lucky to have a lot of good and hardworking people struggling as hard as they can to get by, and yet always ready to help their less fortunate neighbors to do the same!
As in any other medieval - style gnostic fantasy enclave -- at any time in history! -- this real - deal component of Brackettville society is what eventually turns out to be the most sustainable society...
And has so proven itself to be throughout recorded history ...:)
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