Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"[R]eality without Christ ..."

"Why study Latin and Greek?"

By Fr. John Michael McDermott, S.J.

Snippets from his article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. August / September 2011 issue.

"Christ's significance for civilization ought to be transmitted through the study of classical literature.

"The Greeks and Romans were highly intelligent and critical observers of reality without Christ, and they reported the human condition with sharp eyes, unwavering gaze, and often broken hearts.

"The possibilities and limitations of human existence are spelled out with unrivaled clarity.

"A miracle of anonymous grace alone can explain how they looked so clearly at the human tragedy, held out so long in its face, and thus achieved the magnanimity of which human nature is capable even in its frailty and failure.

"The ground was prepared for the Gospel's fructifying seed..."

Some good, thought - provoking points! :)


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