The NAZI's "Black Camelot" at Wewelsburg Castle in Germany...
In Gerald Warner and Stephen Klimczuk's book!
Secret Places, Hidden Sanctuaries: Uncovering Mysterious Sights, Symbols, and Societies.
Snippet from John Henry Crosby's interview with both authors in the New Oxford Review. September, 2011.
"Give NOR readers a sample of your book. Can you summarize your findings on one or two of your most interesting topics?
"Perhaps the most important site we cover is one of the least known: Wewelsburg Castle in Germany, which was Heinrich Himmler's Black Camelot and Nazi Vatican -- the centerpiece if the NAZI pseudo - religion that brought so much suffering to the world.
"When visitors to Auschwitz ask, How could they do it? we think the answer lies partly in this too - little - known Westphalian castle.
"The details make one's flesh creep, as this is the place that was literally designed to be the spiritual center of a new, Nazi - run world.
"Imagine a kind of Arthurian castle remodeled in the 1930s to be a neo - pagan, even Satanic, religious headquarters for the SS, complete with richly detailed ritual chambers and a round table for the highest SS generals.
"A novelist could hardly have invented it.
"But this was not the meeting place of some obscure and in significant cult: It was the mystical shrine of a movement that conquered and ruled most of Europe for several years in the twentieth century ..."
Most interesting! :)
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